Friday, June 13, 2008

Friends who will "go to battle with you"

You may have friends, but not all of them will be the kind to stick with you when you need them. Such friendships are special.

It's said that a friend is someone...
  • who will keep your secrets and never divulge them - even if tortured or tempted with chocolate (or in my case, Ben & Jerry's choc chip ice cream!)
  • who will lift you up when you are down
  • who listens to you even though they may disagree with what you're saying
  • who may at times embark on something with you not so much because they personally believe in it, but because they want to do it with you and support you

Friends who will stick with you are that - and then some. They'd face any danger with you. They'd do anything for you. They'd give anything of theirs to you.

I read a story once about two soldier friends. When one of them was injured on the battlefield and couldn't get back to safety, his buddy went out to get him, against his officer's advice. He returned wounded, and his friend, whom he had carried back, was dead.

The officer was angry. "I told you not to go," he said. Now I've lost one and you're useless. It was not worth it."

The injured man replied, "But it was, sir, because when I got to him, he said "hey, I knew you'd come back."

Unlike what these two men faced, the conflicts we face may not be on the battlefield. They may not be life or death. No matter what, wouldn't you prefer to face them with a friend at your side? If so, be a friend to others, the kind that others can trust, no matter what.

The people whom we can really call as friends we can count on are few. It's also true that we may not be that kind of friend to all people. But if there are people in your life who would "go to battle with you," value them, for they are rare indeed.

I'd like to say a very special thank you those who know me personally, who have been with me and would be with me when I need someone in my corner. This especially goes out to V, RP, "stoneman" and Ed P. People I trust who have shown their friendship to me when it was not asked for. It means a whole lot to me. Thanks, guys!!!

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