Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The GIVER receives, and often receives MORE!!!

Very recently, I heard Charmaine spent two afternoons to be with her friend recovering in hospital. I was moved to hear of how she was a caring friend. She motivated her friend to rest and get better by saying something like "recover soon, so we can together do all the stuff you love like shopping (and so on)." Wow.

On the 4th June I posted a question whether you feel it's better to give or receive, and I would like to thank everyone for their replies.

As for the question, I guess Charmaine knows the answer. Charmaine simply gave of something that was a part of herself: her companionship and her precious time. With no expectation of returns or self-benefit.

I'm inspired. I decided yesterday that I was going to be a person who "gives" of my time this week. My target is to just do one conscious act of self-giving to someone in need (in the general sense) for each day of the week. For starters, with my family.

I'm happy to share what I did yesterday:

My younger brother who's away on overseas attachment needed some specific items sent to him. I called him to get the list, went shopping for him at Giant, boxed and sealed up everything and sent it to his friend's place to be shipped to him.

What I 'lost': time running around (finding and packing things)
What I 'received' for giving: a personal sense of satisfaction (that I could help him when he needed it)

There is something about giving. Conventional wisdom states that the more you give, the less you have. I have found that its a paradox: "the more you give, the more you have." I believe this principle is true in every area of life.

Hey, it's important in life to be both a giver and receiver. But between giving and receiving, I hope more of you choose to be a GIVER! : )

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